5 reasons why marriage still matters to you

A small group of USA judges took it upon themselves to redefine historic marriage on behalf of millions of people. Whu gave them that right? In light of these developments, many Christians are wondering if the struggle to preserve marriage is worth it. “What’s the use?” they ask. If you’re wondering why this battle is still important, here are five reasons why marriage still matters – and why it matters to you: 1. Marriage as defined by God has not changed. Ideologies come and go. Cultural customs can – and do – change. Societies can decline and descend into depravity. As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia reminded us, “Societies can rot as well as ripen.” But God’s Truth and God’s standard remain unchanged. 2. If same-sex “marriage” is now legalized, the religious freedom of your church and your pastor is threatened. We have seen this in other countries that are further down the road to redefining marri...