Transgender and high suicide rates

Studies that have been done of transgendered people who have had sex reassignment surgery , people who have been followed for 20 or so years have found that after 10 years from the surgery, that their suicide mortality rate was actually 20 times higher than the non-transgendered population. So I’m very concerned that here we are encouraging young people to do things to their bodies … like chest binding for young girls … [and] penis tucking … Now this is taking kids on a trajectory that may well cause them to want to take radical action, such as gender reassignment surgery… – Lyle Shelton , managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby , speaking on Q&A on February 29, 2016. Australia’s Safe Schools Coalition program has been accused of “promoting a radical view of gender and sexuality” in schools. The program’s architects say it aims to boost acceptance of same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students, staff and ...