Absolute truth in a post truth world and homosexuality

We must view the present-day controversy over homosexuality as evidence that some have rejected the authority of the Word of God : even some in the church. It is possible for the “law to be lost” among those who claim to be followers of God, and there is indeed a “famine in the land … a famine for hearing the words of the LORD” (see Ezekiel 7:26 and Amos 8:11–12). Many in the contemporary church have been drinking from the well of relativism rather than consuming the absolute truth of God’s Word. This is precisely what society at large has done in previous generations; they have denied the existence of that which is absolute, invariant, and universal. They have denied God’s Word, and, as a result, call that which is evil good and good evil. This error has crept into the church, and she has embraced this re-tooled idol (Ezekiel 33:17–20). In truth, Christianity stands against relativism . Christianity is grounded upon the basis of antithesis: God is distinct from...