
Showing posts with the label Employment Non-Discrimination Act

Atlanta Refusing to Bow to the Name of Jesus

A federal judge on Wednesday weighed the merits of a nationally watched discrimination lawsuit involving Atlanta's former fire chief, who was fired for handing out at work 20 copies of a book he wrote that is critical of homosexuality. City officials are seeking the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by Kelvin Cochran in a case that sparked outrage among some conservative groups advocating for religious freedom . In the 2013 book, "Who Told You That You Were Naked?", Cochran called homosexuality "vulgar" and "the opposite of purity." He was fired early this year after employees complained to city council members about the book's content, Atlanta city attorney Robert N. Godfrey said. "The city of Atlanta has a policy of non-discrimination ," Godfrey said in court. "This book runs completely afoul of those principles." U.S. District Court Judge Leigh May said during Wednesday's hearing that there had not yet been time for dep...

Apple joins other corporate giants in supporting radical gay rights ‘Equality Act’

WASHINGTON,  Last month Apple clambered aboard the newest corporate bandwagon, joining other Internet Age corporate giants such as Google and Facebook, older companies such as General Mills, American Airlines, Dow Chemicals and Levi Strauss and hundreds of lesser enterprises in throwing their support behind the 2015 Equality Act .  The radical legislation would add the terms “sexual orientation and gender identity” to the 1964 Civil Rights Act , which already bans discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, and national origin. It would also specifically prevent the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act from being used to defend Christian organizations from discrimination charges. According to leading traditional marriage defender Ryan Anderson , from The Heritage Foundation , the bill goes significantly beyond the controversial and widely opposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), by embedding “sexual orientation and gender identity” th...

Religious Liberty vs. Erotic Liberty — Religious Liberty is Losing

English: Kasim Reed as State Senator and candidate for Mayor of Atlanta (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Barely five days after  The New York Times  ran a major news article on the firing of Atlanta ’s fire chief for his views on homosexuality, a major  Times opinion writer declared that religious liberty is a fine thing, so long as it is restricted to “pews, homes, and hearts” — far from public consequence. The firing of Kelvin Cochran as chief of Atlanta’s Fire Rescue Department came after the city’s mayor, Kasim Reed , determined that the chief could not effectively manage the department after he had written a book in which he cited Scripture in defining homosexuality as a sin. The most crucial portion of the  Times  story includes the mayor’s rationale: “At a news conference, Mr. Reed said that Mr. Cochran’s ‘personal religious beliefs are not the issue.’ But Atlanta’s nondiscrimination policy, the mayor added, is ‘nonnegotiable.’ ‘Despite my respec...

Christian Teaching Volunteers now the new bigots - homosexual

Burning at the stake. An illustration from an mid 19th century book. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) If you hear the words “ witch hunt ,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Well, you might think of the Salem witch trials , when mass hysteria gripped colonial Massachusetts in the late seventeenth century and twenty people—most of them women—were executed on charges of being witches. Another five died in prison. But the era of the witch hunt is far from over. According to Merriam-Webster, a witch hunt is “the act of unfairly looking for and punishing people who are accused of having opinions that are believed to be dangerous or evil.” And of course, at the top of the dangerous and evil opinion list these days is believing what the Bible says about human sexuality and marriage. While public shaming and fines against Christian business people and academics have become so commonplace as to be almost non-newsworthy, I  do  want to share with you a particularly egreg...

Billionaire GOP donor aims to convince party to push homosexual ‘rights’

Billionaire Republican donor Paul Singer , long known for opposing legislation that increases the regulatory burden on American businesses, has brought together a bipartisan coalition that aims to move the GOP to push homosexual “rights.” Singer, who backs same-sex "marriage" and the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), helped form two organizations in the last year that have donated to Republicans that share their support for comprehensive immigration reform, same-sex "marriage,” and Israel. Billionaire GOP donor Paul Singer Working with groups like the ACLU, SEIU, and Human Rights Campaign , Singer has donated $10 million over the last several years to pro-same-sex "marriage" efforts in New Hampshire , New York, and Maryland. He has been inspired by his openly homosexual son,  according to media reports . Singer has  donated  $375,000 to help pass ENDA in Congress, telling  USA TODAY,  “America is a place where the freedom to be who you are...

Reject Homosexual Marriage Immorality

Marriage matters because kids deserve a mom and a dad. You've heard me say this again and again. And you've also heard me explain that this isn't a difficult concept or theory to grasp: I've said over and over that it is simply common sense . But when you look around the world today, and increasingly in our own country — especially over the past few weeks — it can be tough to fathom how, if that is really "common sense," so many people manage to discard or ignore it. How can so many folks in our country — ordinary citizens, judges, state legislators — seem to see the matter of marriage so differently from us and from how it's been known in almost every country for all time, if it truly is a matter of "common sense"? Well, perhaps to them the phrase 'common sense' might not mean what we think it means. The philosopher Heraclitus noted that, "While wisdom is common, many live as if they own their own wisdom." Put another way, co...

Are your Senators reflecting your view on Godly Marriage or immoral homosexual marriage?

English: Official portrait of United States Senator Pat Toomey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The "Employee Non-Discrimination Act of 2013 ( ENDA )" passed in the Senate with a vote count of 64 to 32. The vote followed a weak debate over religious exemptions in the chamber, after the Senate had defeated a proposed amendment offered by Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey that would have expanded conscience protections. Senator Toomey went on after the amendment's defeat to vote for passage of ENDA anyway, along with nine other Senate Republicans! Make no mistake : ENDA is nothing other than a Trojan horse designed to drive people of faith and traditional values further from the public square in our country. But don't just take my word for it! Consider this: even the weak religious exemptions which are included in ENDA — which NOM, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops , Family Research Council , Heritage Action, and many others all consider to be entirely in...