Disney Homosexuality is presented as pleasant, lighthearted, over the top fun, and done with skill

So Disney is going to have an “ exclusively gay moment ” in the live-action film version of Beauty and the Beast. It’s not going to be a big thing, just a moment in the action of LeFou the manservant. Something “nice.” Something very feelings-oriented. That news follows close upon Disney Studios’ first animated same-sex kiss . We’ve been talking about this behind the scenes here at The Stream. Al Perrotta, our managing editor, made this prediction by email: Let’s not kid ourselves. The reason you put in a lighthearted, perhaps even obvious, gay attraction theme in Beauty and the Beast is to soften the ground so a Disney princess or heroine can be gay. That’s the goal. They’ll get away with it here because it’s likely to be humorous, over-the-top fun, and done with much skill. (The Modern Family lesson well applied. And the film’s director Bill Condon is no slouch.) But I guarantee Disney is eyeballing a feature w...