Star Trek folds to culture with homosexual character

Star Trek Discovery - is changing the game in many ways. It has now bowed down to the homosexual agenda and GLAAD with the upcoming television showing an openly homosexual character : Lt. Stamets . Stamets will reportedly be playing a fungus expert, formally known as an anastromycologist, who's crucial to the story. As the series delves deeper into the personal lives of its characters, viewers will also get to learn about Stamets' immoral homosexual sinful relationship with a crew member. Do we need the sin of homosexuality included in this famous series? No. This is GLAAD seeking to impose its immoral homosexual and sinful agenda upon the minds of children and adults - making sinful homosexual acceptable and nice - normalizing this abhorent sin. Do these actors realize the effects of their promoting homosexual sin. Romans 1:32 condemns those who approve and promote homosexuality - but many in Hollywood who have no morals at all see no difference in the ...