Mexican politicians begin to retreat on homosexual ‘marriage’ following nationwide protests

Members of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s own party began to distance themselves last week from the president’s recently-announced initiative to amend the constitution to create homosexual “marriage,” following protests throughout Mexico and in numerous foreign countries on Wednesday by pro-family groups. Thousands of Mexicans in 26 states as well as the United States, Italy, Spain and even Russia, protested against Peña Nieto’s push to impose the gay agenda on the entire country through propaganda campaigns, homosexualist sex-ed programs in schools, and “marriage” for people of the same sex. Crowds of demonstrators, led by the National Front for the Family , gathered around state congressional buildings, party offices, and embassies to chant “The family, united, can never be defeated!” and to demand a hearing from legislators and party officials. They expressed anger at what they regard as a capitulation of the president to a foreign agenda promoted by the international ho...