Gay Vatican official who ‘came out’ may influence Synod in a way he didn’t expect—or want

Msgr. Krzystof Charamsa evidently thought that he was advancing the homosexual cause by coming out as gay on the eve of the Synod of Bishops . I think he miscalculated badly. The Vatican quickly dismissed Msgr. Charamsa from his post at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). He had anticipated that, and said he was willing to accept it for the good of the cause. “I’m prepared to pay the consequences, but it’s time the Church opened its eyes, and realized that offering gay believers total abstinence from a life of love is inhuman.” Sure, the Polish priest captured the headlines. When an official of the Roman Curia proudly announces that he has a homosexual lover, he’s will draw plenty of publicity. Given the sympathies of the mass media, most of that publicity will be favorable. But Msgr. Charamsa said that he wanted to influence the Synod by his announcement; he wanted to impress upon the bishops that homosexual love “must be nouris...