Persecution and the courage of Julian Porteous

An Australian Christian leader has been reported to the government for speaking up for marriage between one man and one woman. If same-sex marriage is legislated, he won’t be the last. Our choice as Christians will be compromise or honour Christ’s definition of marriage and be punished by an intolerant government. The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Hobart, Julian Porteous , is now the subject of an official complaint to the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Commission. He will now undergo a mandatory process to answer the allegation made against him. He could end up in court. If found guilty, he could be fined. His alleged crime? He promoted Catholic teaching on marriage to the parents who enrolled their children in Tasmania ’s Catholic schools. Entitled Don’t Mess with Marriage, the booklet he distributed respects the dignity of same-sex attracted people while talking about the goodness of man-woman marriage and...