Treatise against homosexuality

The Book of Gomorrah, St. Peter Damian ’s classic treatise against a plague of homosexuality in the Catholic priesthood during the eleventh century, has now been published with a new translation by LifeSiteNews reporter Matthew Cullinan Hoffman and a foreword by Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez . The Book of Gomorrah and St. Peter Damian’s Struggle Against Ecclesiastical Corruption includes a complete translation of Damian’s Book of Gomorrah, as well as an extensive account of the saint’s battle against the terrible corruption in the Church of his day. Damian fearlessly rebuked popes and bishops in his quest to restore the integrity of the Catholic priesthood and the morals of the faithful. He also successfully confronted the German Emperor Henry IV to protect the sacrament of marriage and prevent him from receiving an easy annulment. In the Book of Gomorrah, Damian warns Pope St. Leo IX that “the cancer of sodom...