Help save Georgia adopted Kids from LGBT activists who want religion gone!

As you may have read in news, late last week Georgia’s lawmakers passed a critical bill, SB 375 , or the “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act.” The purpose of the bill is simple: to prevent discrimination against faith-based adoption and foster-care agencies that believe that marriage, the basis of family, is solely between a man and a woman, and that therefore only place children in intact homes with a loving mom and dad. The proposed law prohibits the denial of grant funding to faith-based agencies based on their beliefs on marriage, and provides additional protections. I know this takes a bit of time and effort, but it is absolutely critical that these lawmakers hear from you today and know that you support this common-sense policy. It’s simple: moms and dads aren’t interchangeable . We at NOM have been saying that for years. But in the wake of Obergefell , when the Supreme Court illegitimately placed a lie about marriage into o...