Fake arguments against the Bible and the same sex sin

Objection Stated Paul is speaking solely of Jewish purity laws, where homosexuality was banned and hence this is irrelevant in a modern, enlightened society. Biblical Response It needs to be acknowledged from the outset, and this illustrates the constant inconsistency found among the revisionist interpreters , that this is an admission that the Hebrew Scriptures do indeed condemn homosexual deeds and desires. After all, if Paul’s condemnation of such sinfulness is drawn from Judaism , this is a tacit admission that Judaism opposed homosexuality. The bible addressed the basic contention of the allegedly limited application of God ’s moral laws in a discussion of the Leviticus passages. It seems sufficient at this point to note how such an objection completely misses Paul’s context as well as his argument. Paul surely did not embrace modern views of either God’s law or God’s revelation in the Jewish Scriptures. He would not have held to the concept that the revelati...