Lesbian activist icon disinvited from Gay Pride parade for supporting restroom privacy

A gay pride parade has rescinded its invitation for a nationally known lesbian activist to be its grand marshal, because she supports privacy in women's restrooms, showers, and intimate facilities – a rift that further highlights the brewing conflict between biological women and the transgender political agenda. Miriam Ben-Shalom served in the Israeli armed forces before returning to the United States and joining the U.S. Army . However, she was discharged in 1976 after two years of service when she publicly announced that she is a lesbian. She lost a lengthy court battle against the Army in 1990. She founded Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Veterans of America (GLBVA) and chained herself to the White House fence on more than one occasion to protest the armed services' ban on open homosexuals serving in the military. When President Obama signed the repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell," Ben-Shalom - who was widely hailed as a hero of the LBGT cause - was on ...