Quotes to encourage you to join in the defence of children, marriage and family

"There is nothing homophobic about supporting traditional marriage." - Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard. “You will never build a society on it. You will not build a nation on it.” - Former Prime Minister Paul Keating on same-sex marriage. “Intact and fully functional families constitute the least costly social welfare system yet devised by mankind.” - John Howard. It is "an affront to the Aboriginal People of Australia to suggest another definition of marriage." - Statement form 70 Aboriginal leaders opposing same-sex "marriage.' “Life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed… You are born to a mother and a father… The family is not a fad.” – Dolce & Gabbana (homosexual fashion designers). “Destroy the family, destroy the nation.” - Vladimir Lenin (Marxist communist). "No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous... Homosexuality is not an inborn trait." Dr. Camille Paglia (Homosexual). "Once you make t...