Bishop cuts ties with Boy Scouts over gay leaders

BISMARCK, ND, August 5, 2015 ( LifeSiteNews ) -- As faith organizations across the United States grapple with the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow openly homosexual Scout leaders , one Catholic bishop is drawing a clear line in the sand. Bishop David Kagan of Bismarck, North Dakota , said he regretted having to make the decision, yet, “in conscience as the Chief Shepherd of the Diocese of Bismarck , I cannot permit our Catholic institutions to accept and participate directly or indirectly in any organization, which has policies and methods, which contradict the authoritative moral teachings of the Catholic Church .” Bishop Kagan pulled all diocesan organizations from the Boy Scouts August 3, saying in a statement that the Boy Scouts’ decision to allow openly gay adults into leadership positions had been expected , and that the religious exemption in the Scouts’ resolution fell short in providing the needed protection for Catholic entities t...