Kim Davis says she stood up against LGBT bullies for Christian faith reasons

Kim Davis , the county clerk who in 2015 was jailed for refusing to issue same-sex “marriage” licenses, says anyone can be called and used by God . Davis said this in a new memoir , Under God’s Authority: The Kim Davis Story. She hopes it will offer encouragement to others facing challenges living their Christian faith . She recently spoke about the ordeal that sent her to jail for refusing to act against her beliefs. The Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk maintains that she holds no ill will toward those who disagree with her pro-marriage convictions and says she only stands before “one judge” – God. ‘My story is one of redemption and transformation’ Davis’ story is a harbinger of white (bloodless) martyrdom for Christians in the age of marriage redefinition. It also brings to light the question: Who’s to say whom God will call and whom he can redeem? “My story is one of redemption and transformation,” Davis said. Ridiculed for ...