Confused politician on homosexual marriage - Australia

Bleijie has capitulated on marriage and is seen as a blow to a large part of his support base who are conservatives. The capitulation of former Queensland Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie on the meaning of marriage will come as a big disappointment for people who voted for him, according to Australian Christian Lobby Queensland director Wendy Francis. “Throughout his career, Mr Bleijie has actively sought the votes of people who believe in the right of children to wherever possible be raised by their parents. “To now take a position on marriage that mandates a family structure denying this basic right to children is a blow to his social justice credentials and a breach of trust to voters.” Ms Francis said Mr Bleijie had played into the hands of those described by Paul Kelly in the Weekend Australian yesterday as seeking to “drive religion into the shadows”. “At a time when the public are very cynical about politicians, it is disappointing to see a politician jettiso...