LGBT falling apart - disagree with each other

The push behind transgender ideology took some major hits this past week when several prominent feminist, lesbian and gay leaders went public with strong criticism of the ideology underlying the transgender movement that has gripped modern culture. They also sharply criticized the so-called Equality Act, the top legislative priority of LGBT extremists, for being based on a false premise and proposing to codify this false ideology into federal law. The week began with a panel presentation at The Heritage Foundation led by our friend, Ryan Anderson, Ph.D. (At our NOM Gala in 2014, we honored Anderson with our Public Square Leadership Award.) The panel featured presentations from self-proclaimed "radical feminists" including two who are lesbians. The panelists rejected the entire basis of trans ideology – that sex is a meaningless social construct and what is important is 'gender identity.' Panelist Julia Beck noted that within the “LGBT” acronym, the LGB seg...