
Showing posts with the label Fiona Bruce

500,000+ signatures opposing gay ‘marriage’ presented to UK prime minister, Home Office

English: DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 29JAN10 - David Cameron, Leader of the Conservative Party, United Kingdom, speaks during the session 'Rethinking Government Assistance' in the Congress Centre of the Annual Meeting 2010 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 29, 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) LONDON, June 13, 2012 ( –  A petition  by the UK’s Coalition for Marriage opposing the government’s proposal to re-write the definition of marriage, which has been signed by well over half-a-million petitioners, was delivered in a gift-wrapped box to the Home Office and to Downing Street this week. The petition, one of the largest in the history of Parliament, was presented by recently married couple Rhys and Esther Curnow, both 23. The couple were joined by Conservative Party MPs Fiona Bruce and David Burrowes , Labour MP Jim Dobbin , and campaigners from the Coalition for Marriage, Colin Hart and Dr. Sharon James. Dr Sharon James, a sp...