
Showing posts with the label National Post

Canadian PM candidate: Makes ‘no sense’ for gov’t to fund Gay Pride

Conservative leadership candidate Brad Trost stands behind a campaign video that denounces taxpayer funding for “ gay pride ” parades, says spokesman Mike Patton . Patton and Trost were taken aback that the video, which was posted Tuesday, has provoked a backlash and heated debate on social media and radio call-in shows. “We weren’t trying to be particularly controversial,” Patton told LifeSiteNews. Trost is “very clear on these issues always, so he was kind of taken by surprise that people would think he’s homophobic when he’s not.” The video followed Trost’s Monday email pledge to supporters that as Conservative leader he would never march in any “gay pride” parade and that as Prime Minister he would never march in or fund “any ‘gay pride’ event of any kind.” In the one-minute video entitled “Brad’s gay parade float,” Patton reiterates that pledge. “In case you haven’t noticed, Brad’s not entirely comfortable with the whole gay thing,” he begins. “And if you haven’...

Toronto mayor demands Pride flag removed from city hall: Olympics ‘not about your sexual preference’

TORONTO, February 7, 2014  – As a number of Canadian cities  protest Russia's ban on homosexual propaganda  by flying rainbow flags outside their city hall, Toronto ’s Mayor Rob Ford put his foot down today demanding that a rainbow flag raised above Toronto City Hall be taken down. “[The Olympics is] not about someone’s sexual preference,” Ford told reporters at City Hall today, according to the  National Post . “No, I do not agree with putting up the rainbow flag. We should put up the Canadian flag.” Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Reporters watched Ford as he walked outside to inspect a Canadian flag just hung in his office window. “This is the Olympics,” he continued. “This is about being patriotic to your country. This is not about your sexual preference.” When one reporter told Ford that the rainbow flag was meant as a sign of solidarity with Russian LGBT people, Ford replied: “Let Russia do what they want. We’re Canadians here.” Russia’s recent laws p...

Catholic parents’ group: trustees obliged to refuse to implement Gay-Straight Alliances

Dalton McGuiny (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A Catholic parents’ group is urging Catholic trustees to refuse to comply with Ontario ’s anti-bullying law that forces Gay-Straight-Alliance clubs (GSAs) into separate schools. Instead the parents are asking trustees to follow the bishops’ “Respecting Difference” strategy for tackling bullying. “A legal opinion we obtained [from lawyer Geoff Cauchi of RZCD Law Firm] argues Catholic trustees are obliged to refuse to implement Gay-Straight Alliances in Catholic schools ,” said Teresa Pierre, head of Parents As First Educators (PAFE), at a news conference in Toronto on Thursday. “Trustees have the legal right to avoid anything that would undermine the school’s religious character.” Pierre called portions of the anti-bullying Bill 13 “unnecessary and unconstitutional” in a  press release , arguing that mandatory GSAs “undermine” the Church’s teachings on the purpose of “sex and family” and forces Catholic schools to “violate” cons...

Toronto mayor to spend Canada Day at cottage instead of Gay Pride

TORONTO, June 26, 2012 ( ) - For the second year in a row Toronto’s mayor Rob Ford has made it clear that he has better things to do on Canada Day than take part in Toronto’s annual “Gay Pride” events. Mr. Ford told the National Post on June 22 he would miss Monday’s gay pride flag-raising due to a previous commitment, while he had earlier said he would not be at the Pride Parade because it takes place on Canada Day, which he usually spends with his family at the cottage. Rob Ford Last year Mr. Ford told the media that spending the July 1st long weekend at the cottage is a long held family tradition, which he intends to maintain. Ford told the Toronto Sun, “We’ve been in Huntsville for the past 30 (years), as long as I can remember, since I’ve been a little boy. I’m carrying on a tradition my father had, last year I was there during the campaign, we’re there every year.” “My family comes first,” Mayor Ford told reporters last year. “I’m going up to ...

Ron Paul: Personally opposed to same-sex ‘marriage,’ but….

WASHINGTON , November 29, 2011 ( ) - As  polls show  Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul   tied for first place  in Iowa , media outlets have struggled to understand his distinctive stance on the issues, including same-sex “marriage.” Sheldon Alberts of Canada ’s National Post , for example,  wrote Monday  that “Paul believes: Gays should be allowed to marry.” Ron Paul Photo: Steve Jalsevac/ LifeSiteNews The truth is more complex…and perhaps confusing. Congressman Paul’s view of same-sex “marriage” can best be summed up in one phrase: states rights . Ron Paul believes homosexuals should be allowed to “marry”…in states that legalize the practice. At the same time, Paul is a lifelong Christian who says he personally believes in traditional marriage. In 2004,  Paul said  on the House floor, “I oppose federal efforts to redefine marriage as something other than a union between one man and one woman.” In August,  Paul repe...

NDP candidate wants to force ‘sensitivity training’ on Sun News over anti-transgender pro-family ad

TORONTO, Ontario , November 28, 2011  – The parent company of Canada’s Sun News chain has been targeted by a homosexual activist and former NDP candidate after it aired ads that were critical of teaching young children about “transgenderism” in school. Toronto teacher Michael Erickson, who ran for the federal NDP in the May election, has launched a petition slamming Quebecor for running “transphobic” ads by Charles McVety’s Institute for Canadian Values in October on its Sun News Network and in the Toronto Sun paper. The ads, sparked by a Toronto District School Board policy forbidding parents to withdraw their children from pro-homosexual classes, featured images of young children pleading “Please! Don’t confuse me.” “I’m a girl. Don’t teach me to question if I’m a boy, transsexual, transgendered, intersexed or two spirited,” the ad read. According to Erickson’s petition, the ad “encourages viewers to gather together and fight for a world filled with hate, hurt a...

Breakthrough: Canadian gvmt backs repeal of ‘hate speech’ clause

Image via Wikipedia OTTAWA, Ontario, – Canada’s federal government has officially backed a private members bill seeking to repeal a controversial ‘hate speech’ provision that has been used to prosecute Christians and other conservatives for years. In response to a question on Wednesday by Conservative MP Brian Storseth (Westlock- St. Paul, AB ), who introduced the bill to repeal section 13 of the Canada Human Rights Act on September 30, Justice Minister Rob Nicholson signaled what is likely the clause’s death knell.  The ruling Conservatives have a sizeable majority in both houses and the bill is also expected to draw some support from the opposition benches. “Our government believes that section 13 is not an appropriate or effective means for combatting hate propaganda. We believe the Criminal Code is the best vehicle to prosecute these crimes,” he told the House of Commons during Question Period. “I say to the opposition, get on side with the media,” he continued.  “Mac...

Elderly B&B couple still in limbo after refusing lodgings to 2 homosexual men

Image via Wikipedia KELOWNA, British Columbia , October 20, 2011 – A complaint by two homosexual men , who say they were “ discriminated against” when an elderly retired couple refused them lodgings at their Bed & Breakfast (B&B) in 2009, was heard by B.C.’s Human Rights Tribunal yesterday.  Smith, the Molnar’s lawyer, told LifeSiteNews that a decision had not been reached yesterday, and that it might take until the new year. “All of the evidence is in and the arguments have been made and Madame Chair Enid Marion has reserved [judgment],” he said. “She indicated to us that they are very backed up and short of staff and she is going to do her best but it could be two to three months.” In June of 2009, Shaun Eadie and Brian Thomas, two homosexual males, made reservations by phone at the Riverbend B&B in Grand Forks , B.C. operated by Les and Susan Molnar in their own home. After Mr. Molnar learned that Mr. Eadie and Mr. Thomas were two  Image via Wikipedia ...