‘Gay’ journalist group backed by Fox News gives award to vicious homosexual activist

A "gay journalists association" heavily backed by Fox News and other major media placed homosexual activist and X-rated, anti-Christian author Dan Savage in its "LGBT Journalists Hall of Fame" — despite Savage's record of vicious anti-conservative antics and statements, such as wishing Republicans dead. The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NJLGA) receives tens of thousands of dollars in grants from major media, lending legitimacy to its claim that it is merely a “professional association.” The media money poured in again this year at the group’s annual convention in Philadelphia that just concluded. But the NLGJA’s “spin” is belied by its obvious activism — whether it is politicizing the English language to accommodate the latest LGBTQ fad or celebrating a man who represents the very worst of in-your-face “gay” activism. In that profane world, Savage is in a league of his own, gaining notoriety thr...