Why are LGBT intolerant and violent?

L GBT extremists did everything in their power to prevent us from completing the #FreeSpeechBus tour to promote a national conversation on the biological nature of gender – including engaging in violence, property damage and acts of intolerance, as well as coordinating with anarchist groups – but I'm pleased to say that we overcame them and completed the tour this morning in Washington, DC. NOM joined with CitizenGO and the International Organization for the Family (IOF) to sponsor the tour as a way of provoking a national discussion about the biological truth of gender and to hit "pause" on the headlong push by the left to redefine gender based on "identity" and "feelings." Throughout the tour we encountered the ugly side of the LGBT movement, which repeatedly engaged in violence and assault, and inflicted substantial property damage, in a failed effort to derail the bus tour. Shockingly, we also discovered the deep coordination that ex...