Same-Sex Marriage Supreme Court Decision

As a Christian how are we to think about this? To be honest, this decision did not surprise me, but I was disappointed. I had held out some hope that the constitution and not the winds of public opinion would win the day. But that was not to be. 3 Quick Observations About The Same-Sex Marriage Supreme Court Decision 1) The world has not ended, but make no mistake this will have significant cultural impact. There are 2 sides of this balance beam we can’t afford to fall off of. First, we need to remember that Christianity is still true, regardless of what is going on in a particular cultural moment. Our hope is fixed in Christ , not a cultural majority. We have an opportunity to love and engage. Let’s not miss that. The other way not to react to this news is to say it won’t effect me and my marriage and everything will continue on as it has. That is not true. And that will become more painfully evident in the days ahead–especially for children. 2) Whatever your views on same-s...