Catholic teachers adopt curriculum promoting transgenderism

Why is the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, OECTA, helping to push transgenderism in separate schools? It's not Catholic. But that's exactly what they are doing. In a partnership with Egale Canada , teachers will be able to use a new resource called, Draw the Line - Against Transphobic Violence (DTL - ATV). The February 2017 issue of the OETCA newsletter contains an article by Alyx Duffy called, "Supporting Gender Diversity in the Classroom." It's all about telling teachers how they can use the new resource to develop lesson plans for Grades 9-11 to teach transgenderism and "gender diversity." It's also to get students and teachers to accept and promote "gender diversity." But of course students and teachers won't be told that directly. Guess who Duffy is? He's the Youth Program Coordinator for Egale Canada. This is an activist organization that makes it its mission to advance sexual orientation and ...