Alabama Judges Refuse To Issue Same-Sex 'Marriage' Licenses

Taking the admonishment of legal scholars to heart that the Supreme Court's marriage ruling in Obergefell is illegitimate, several Alabama probate judges have petitioned the state Supreme Court for a judgement upholding the state constitution and prohibiting the state from issuing same-sex 'marriage' licenses. The judges acknowledge that the state must "recognize" same-sex 'marriage' licenses issued elsewhere that are valid under the laws of other states, but that the federal government is powerless to force the state to itself issue licenses that violate its state constitution. Saying that the Obergefell ruling was "born from a strained interpretation of the US Constitution, the new same-sex marriage license is a child of the federal government, not the State of Alabama...Therefore, the recognition of same-sex marriage as a civil right under the United States Constitution vests the U.S. Congress with the authority and responsibi...