Liberal colleagues Cory Bernardi and Dennis Jensen criticise Malcolm Turnbull over immoral homosexual marriage comments

Malcolm Turnbull
Malcolm Turnbull (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Anger is rising within the Abbott government over Malcolm Turnbull's advocacy for immoral homosexual marriage, with the Communications Minister publicly criticised by two backbench colleagues.

South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi has urged Mr Turnbull to either resign from the frontbench or stop commenting on "fringe issues outside party policy". And West Australian Liberal MP Dennis Jensen said Mr Turnbull's comments on homosexual marriage were "unhelpful" and not befitting a cabinet minister.

Mr Turnbull frustrated all of his colleagues when he told an interviewer on Sunday that Australia was getting out of step with similar countries on homosexual marriage.

He said Britain, Canada and parts of the US and South Africa had taken steps to allow gay marriage. 

Turnbull needs to be told that there are 310 countries in the world with only 13 supporting immoral homosexual marriage.

''So people of the same sex can get married in Auckland and Wellington, Toronto and Ottawa and Vancouver, in New York and Los Angeles, Baltimore and Cape Town, but not Australia," Mr Turnbull said.

Turnbull should know that none of these countries put this important issue of immorality to a referendum. In fact New York was pushed through by Bloomberg by paying a bribe to get three Republicans to vote for immoral homosexual marriage the day before their homosexual proud of sin day; gay pride day. Those three Republicans have since lost their seat. For California it was pushed by the media and a homosexual judge in San Francisco. In New Zealand a homosexual politicians pushed this agenda much to the objection of many New Zealanders and France was rammed through by an arrogant PM who ignored the millions who protested. Wait to his next election. Canada is now a police state forcing all religious school to have LGBT presentations and clubs. Hawaai went through but under great protest. All of these countries have left wing pro-homosexuals pushing this immoral agenda, with no referendum.

Senator Bernardi, who himself lost a shadow parliamentary secretary position last year for correctly suggesting that homosexual marriage will lead to polygamy and bestiality. A Texas court yesterday heard a case and will support the polygamy application based on the homosexual changes.

"If Malcolm Turnbull wants to talk about fringe issues outside party policy, he should resign from the frontbench," Senator Bernardi said on Monday.

"Our longstanding party policy is that marriage is between a man and a woman. We should expect that all frontbenchers will reflect party policy. Our principle has always been that frontbenchers argue for changes in party policy through cabinet whilst backbenchers are free to discuss any policy ideas they like. You can't have it both ways."

Mr Turnbull's public support for homosexual marriage was inappropriate and questions his motive; knowing his party and his party leaders position on this immoral issue....he is either seeking the leadership; or intentionally causing division; or because he lost the leadership, he has bad blood. He should resign.

"I think Malcolm sees himself as a little bit above the frontbench when he speaks about some sociological issues if you will," Dr Jensen told Fairfax Media.

"It's unhelpful. [Homosexual marriage] is something we decided on not long ago ... even if you had a conscience vote, it still would not have got up."

Cabinet ministers like Turnbull should stick to their portfolio and not veer outside them unless the Prime Minister directed them to do so. Backbenchers had more freedom to speak across a range of issues, but frontbenchers relinquished that liberty.

Turnbull should be sticking to his portfolio there are clearly a lot of problems within the NBN that require addressing and his attention. Unless of course he is unable to achieve success in this area, looks bad but wants to court the left wing press and the Green and Labor by promoting Homosexual marriage.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott repeated his position that a conscience vote for the Coalition on homosexual marriage would be up to the party room.

''If there is a proposal put into the Parliament it will be dealt with by our party room in the normal way. In the end, its up to the party room to decide what our policy is."

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