Australian Coalition says no to same sex marriage - but will LGBT keep fighting so kids can't have a mum and dad?

The Coalition's overwhelming party room decision for marriage is a win for the millions of Australians who will always believe it is between one man and one woman. Australian Christian Lobby Managing Director Lyle Shelton thanked the Prime Minister and Coalition Senators and Members for speaking so clearly. "The Prime Minister and Coalition parliamentarians have shown great courage and leadership in speaking for marriage at a time when a powerful minority have made it difficult to speak. "Tonight's decision means all Australians remain free to speak what they believe about marriage without fear. It is so important we keep speaking without fear about the benefits of marriage and why its definition should be preserved. "Coalition parliamentarians have shown great courage in staring down a determined political campaign driven by a small minority who have co-opted the media, celebrities and even corporate Australia . "It is clear from polling that same-...