Why I cringe when Pope Francis gets on an airplane

Is it the altitude? Is it free cocktails? Is it the urging of a captive media hungry for headlines? Is it a loquacious and friendly Pope who likes to freewheel and think aloud? I just don’t know. But now we are told that Christians “have to apologize for so many things, not just for this (treatment of gay people), but we must ask for forgiveness. Not just apologize – forgiveness.” I have no trouble apologizing for my misdeeds, even if they are corporate in nature, meaning if they are directed towards a group of some kind. As a young man, I had to come to terms, and repent of, the racism I was raised with. I’m very grateful to the University of Texas student who taught me that lesson early in my freshman year. After the initial hurt feelings, my reaction was, “Well, of course he’s right!” Towards gays and lesbians, I’ve never felt any prejudice. Many of my close friends know this, and there’s no need to say anymore than that. So I am assuming that Pope Francis must not be talking ...