Gay first now: Incest should should be legal, says German government’s Ethics Council

Incest laws could be scrapped in Germany after the government's ethics council said sex between brothers and sisters should be legal and is a 'fundamental right'. The council recommended that the right of 'adult siblings to sexual self-determination' was more important then the 'abstract idea of protection of the family'. It comes after the case of Patrick Stuebing, who was jailed for more than three years after having four children - two of which are disabled - with his sister Susan Karolewski. The German Ethics Council has suggested that sex between brothers and sisters should be legalised Stuebing was put up for adoption as a toddler and only met his sister when he was 24 and she was 16. He was imprisoned for incest in 2008. He made an unsuccessful appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in 2012 over his right to a family life - as he and Ms Karolewski were split up and three of their children were taken into care. The youngest was allowed to r...