I Left Same-Sex Romance for Love

Author: Rachel Gilson. It’s easy for people to misunderstand why I left a life of romantic and sexual relationships with women. They string the list of renunciations together like a necklace — no to a former love, no to former sexual patterns, no to fulfilling unasked-for attractions, no to a way of life — and to some this looks like a type of adornment. To many more, a chafing collar. My life, however, is sustained by a resounding yes , a yes that is only found in Jesus Christ . Like a diamond that weighs down your hand, that makes you avert your eyes for its rainbow brilliance, coming to know Jesus has continually revealed just how dingy, superficial, and man-made the things were I used to consider a treasure. But God has saved me and shown me that saying yes to Jesus is far better. A Better Authenticity Perhaps nothing carries more cultural cache today than the longing for the authentic, especially in the self. But how can we tell what our authentic self is? T...