3rd class Homosexual Marriage

Below is an article written by a homosexual man , talking about either adopting a child or using surrogacy to try and create a family . It is a very off article. Why is it off? Because the homosexual relationship is sexually based, barren, against physical design - yet they are striving to create an image or a normal family. It could be called pretend family or second class family - and it reflects the oddness of the male homosexual community the hierarchy, the groups seeking to pretend they are like heterosexual traditional families. Unfortunately, there is little focus on the child. The focus is on portraying an image - happy gay men can form a family. False and wrong. For Gay Parents , Deciding Between Adoption and Surrogacy Raises Tough Moral Questions When my husband David and I became new parents, we thought it would be fun and perhaps even affirming to get involved with a gay dads group. As far as I could tell, the only regular event was a brunch that took p...