Does the account of the purpose and plan for marriage in Genesis 2 exclude a homosexual relationship?

The Revisionist Answer The purpose of the account of the making of a woman for man is to empower the reproduction and preservation of the species. It does not inherently condemn homosexual unions, any more than it would condemn celibacy—a position the church has recognized and accepted throughout the ages. The Biblical Answer Genesis 2 gives special attention to the making of the woman, Eve, for the man, Adam. This incident is unique in the Creation account. No comparable level of attention is given to the making of female animals for male animals. This suggests that, although reproduction is the focus of the creation design for animals, human creation looks to purposes that transcend reproduction and species survival. Reproduction is important, but human beings are more than the sum of their physical and nonphysical attributes. Spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects interplay in the definition of human being. The Bible affirms God's intent - marriage is for o...