Bethany Christian Services reject God and scripture

To the leadership of Bethany Christian Services, I make this heartfelt appeal as a fellow-disciple of Jesus who also cares about the wellbeing of needy children. Please reconsider your decision to provide services for gay and lesbian couples wanting to adopt. Please ask yourselves again: Is this decision truly honoring to the Lord in whose name you work? Is it truly in the best interest of the children whose lives you seek to better? I understand that you have wrestled with this question for many years now and that you did not make your decision lightly. I also understand you claim to be doing this in the name of compassion. As stated by president and CEO Chris Palusky, “We will now offer services with the love and compassion of Jesus to the many types of families who exist in our world today. We’re taking an ‘all hands on deck’ approach where all are welcome.” Deeply Contrary to God’s Design and Order But does the love and compassion of Jesus willfully place a child in an environ...