Kim Davis’ lawyer says they actually won at the Sixth Circuit yesterday. Here’s why.

ROWAN COUNTY, A lawyer for embattled clerk Kim Davis says his client has won -- despite a decision against her yesterday. Liberty Counsel 's Mat Staver says that while the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals denied Davis' injunction request against Gov. Steve Beshear 's order that clerks hand out gay “marriage” licenses, that was only a preliminary decision and one that is "rarely granted." In a partial victory for Davis, "the court also denied the governor's request to [have the case] be dismissed," Staver told LifeSiteNews. No matter how the Sixth Circuit Court definitively rules, however, Davis -- who spent five days in jail for contempt of court -- has already won because "she does not have her name and title affixed to the marriage certificates ," explained Staver. Davis and her attorneys will now open a new fight for religious liberty , this one inside the state of Kentucky . Staver argues that the state is "requ...