Same-sex marriage ruling used to defend polygamy

Leading up to the Obergefell v. Hodges decision by the Supreme Court —that’s the case that opened the floodgates to same-sex marriage nationwide—Conservatives and Christians worldwide raised their concerns about the “slippery slope.” Now it is Australia's turn. In the USA gay laughed at the slippery slope argument. Australia like America will likely find herself on as a result of changing the definition of marriage. Basically, if the definition was no longer to be a union between one man/one woman, then anything called “marriage” would be valid. This concern wasn’t an abstract concern. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts , in his dissenting opinion, had this to say about this very thing: “It’ is striking how much of the majority’s reasoning would apply with equal force to the claim of a fundamental right to plural marriage (i.e. polygamy). Family members of Kody Brown who star in TLC’s reality-TV series “ Sister Wives ” filed a court brief in respons...