
Showing posts with the label Venner

Ant-Homosexual French suicide was actually Anti-Muslim immigration suicide

 All of France , especially French Catholics, were deeply shocked to hear on Tuesday afternoon that French historian and essayist Dominique Venner had shot himself in the mouth on the steps of the main altar in the transept of Notre-Dame Cathedral , in the heart of Paris. Only minutes after the event, mainstream media described him as an “anti-gay marriage activist” who had prepared his gesture as a protest against the “Taubira law” legalizing same-sex “marriage,” which was signed into law last Saturday. While Dominique Venner certainly had voiced his sincere opposition to this social revolution, his writing reveal that it is completely inaccurate to present him as a Catholic, and his purpose was clearly not a call to action against homosexual “marriage." Dominique Venner was no Christian. He was, instead, protesting the massive influx of Muslim immigrants to France, which he considered a form of population replacement, and he hailed paganism and Nietzsche's will...