Activist judge to Christian charged with LGBT ‘hate’ speech: ‘Truth…is simply not relevant’

A Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled that the “truth” of statements made by a Christian about a transgender political candidate’s biological sex is “not relevant” and cannot be used as a “defence” against allegations that the Christian was engaging in “hate” speech. Christian and pro-family activist Bill Whatcott was hauled before the Tribunal last year on the grounds that he had engaged in “hate” speech for publicly exposing a transgender political candidate who claimed to be female, but who was born a biological male. The complainant, Mr Ronan Oger, who now goes by Ms Morgane Oger, was a candidate in the 2017 provincial election. Oger is the Vice-President of B.C.’s New Democratic Party (NDP). States court documents: “Ms. [sic] Oger was a candidate in the 2017 provincial election. During her [sic] candidacy, Mr Whatcott distributed hundreds of flyers in her [sic] riding. The flyers were titled ‘Transgenderism vs. Truth in Vancouver‐False Creek.’ They described Ms. [sic] Oger a...