GAY QANTAS threatens rugby player

In response to an Instagram question last Tuesday in which Israel Folau was asked what he thought was “God’s plan for gay people”, Israel Folau , Australian rugby ’s highest- paid player and a devout Christian, was unequivocal: “HELL. Unless they repent of their sins and turn to God.” His answer was biblical in that everybody, every sinner is called upon to turn from sin and turn in faith to Christ to be saved. If the person rejects Christ - their choice leads them to a road of not being redeemed namely hell - separation from God. What is the problem? Homosexuals and others don't believe homosexuality is a sin. It is a simple as that. God, history, biology, and evolution simply point to the fact that homosexuality is a nonsense, broken incomplete and sinful lifestyle choice. Some in the community believe that homosexuality is very good - based on their feelings and their Government who lied to them about gay marriage. What has followed has been a fevered ...