New York’s governor, leftist mayors target North Carolina over bathroom protections

Three mayors, a governor, and several LGBT advocacy groups are targeting North Carolina 's new law protecting the privacy of the state's citizens. Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) , the ACLU of North Carolina, Lambda Legal , and Equality North Carolina sued to overturn the law, which was signed by Governor Pat McCrory on Wednesday. The measure overturned a Charlotte ordinance requiring all businesses and public buildings to allow citizens identifying as transgender to use their preferred bathrooms, locker rooms, and similar facilities. “We’re challenging this extreme and discriminatory measure in order to ensure that everyone who lives in and visits North Carolina is protected under the law,” said Chris Brook, Legal Director of the ACLU of North Carolina, in a statement. “No legislature should be using its power to require cities, counties, or school districts to discriminate against anyone. This law is a targeted and unprecedented attack on the ...