There is hope for the Homosexual

We miss the truly redemptive force of 1 Corinthians 6:9 –10, however, if we allow ourselves to be caught up solely in the discussion of the meaning of arsenokoites. Once its definition has been established, we must surely hear the clear teaching of this portion of God ’s Word: 11 Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ , and in the Spirit of our God. The past tense “such were some of you” cannot be ignored. Paul does not address “homosexual Christians .” He addresses former homosexuals who were now Christians. A transition had taken place, a supernatural movement from the practice of homosexuality to the Christian faith . They had been washed, showing that their previous activities were sinful and required cleansing. They had been sanctified, showing that their previous acts had been unholy. They had been justified, showing that their previous deeds placed them under the wrath of God and made...