William Loader Uniting Church of Australia - wrong on homosexuality

The ABC Australia tried to convince Australian Christians that the Bible supports homosexual orientation and homosexual marriage. The ABC gathered two like minded authors to write the misleading article - William Loader (Principal UCA WA Bible College) and Robyn Whitaker ( Bromby Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Trinity College Theological School , Parkville Melbourne, Australia. William Loader has written several books on homosexuality and a series of Anglican collection of essays . All of which promote the sin of homosexuality. For example: Loader says the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 is not about homosexuality but gang rape. Then we get a glimpse of what Laoder really is thinking: Genesis 19 has nothing to say about homosexuality or mutually consenting adults of the same gender expressing their desire and love. Proponents of this new view of Sodom follow an interpretative strategy that is appropriately described as revisionist. By one way or ...