
Showing posts with the label hell

Parents boo as Christian street preacher confronts drag queen at story time

The Drag Queen Story Time’s question-and-answer session didn’t go as planned. After this event at Westcliffe Community Centre in Ottawa on Saturday afternoon, Evangelical street preacher Dorre Love responded to an invitation for questions. “I have a question,” Love said. “What are you going to do when you stand before God and He judges every one of you here for your sins?”    A video published on Facebook shows the surprised, unhappy faces of a few parents and Russian-Canadian drag performer “Adrianna Exposée,” 20, as well as a small number of children. Moments before, parents and children had been dancing with the scantily-clad Adrianna or watching from their seats.  “What are you going to do?” a woman snapped back to Love.  “The Bible says this,” Love continued, “but if anyone causes one of my little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone be hung around their neck and they be drowned in the depths...

Do homosexuals go to hell?

DO HOMOSEXUALS GO TO HELL? AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER & OPPOSITION LEADER RESPONDED The leaders of both of  Australia 's major political parties agreed on Tuesday that gays don't go to hell because of their sexual orientation, as Christian beliefs rose to extraordinary prominence in the final days of an  election  campaign.  Prime Minister Scott Morrison opposed gay marriage while opposition leader Bill Shorten argued for marriage equality ahead of a national vote in 2017 that led to Australia legally recognizing same-sex unions. Morrison, a Pentecostal Christian, accused Shorten, a Catholic before converting to his second wife's Anglican faith, of a "desperate, cheap shot" ahead of elections on Saturday by challenging the prime minister to say whether he believed gays went to hell. Morrison said he did not believe gays went to hell, after failing to directly answer the same question from a journalist a day earlier. "I'm not running f...