Florida school board unanimously rejects homosexual, transgender concessions

The Brevard County School Board unanimously rejected a proposed pro-homosexual and pro-transgender addition to their non-discrimination policy Tuesday night. Nearly 100 people signed up to speak about the proposed ordinance change, with over 90 of them against adding "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the school's nondiscrimination ordinance. Speeches ranged from expressing concerns that a pro-transgender, pro-homosexual policy would threaten privacy and confuse children to calls for God back in public schools. Terry Rocks of The Brevard Youth Network said, "There is a spiritual force here, and it is evil." Opponents also said the proposed LGBTQ addition would brand Christians as bigots and subject them to discipline for "discrimination." Melbourne parent Jason Schack threatened that he and others would leave the public schools if they adopt a pro-transgender, pro-homosexual policy. "I just hope your school...