Why has homosexuality 'acts against nature' now changed?

Fifty years after homosexuality was decriminalised in England and Wales . It was based on the simple yet false idea - sexual activity behind closed doors is private and the government has no interest in such private behaviour. This logic of course doesn't work. Why? Because domestic violence , incest, underage sex , pedophilia - are all prohibited behaviours behind closed doors but are illegal? So what is the difference? So only indecent behavior, acts against nature or buggery were decriminalized and given a free pass. Why? Homosexuals in power brought about changes using false arguments just like 'easy divorce.' Why was it criminalized as indecent in the first place? Because everybody understood that homosexual behaviour was wrong, infertile, based on lust, against common sense, devalues marriage, against scripture and against children and families. 72 other countries and territories worldwide continue to criminalise immoral homosexual relationships, ...