
Showing posts with the label National Republican Congressional Committee

GOP says it will continue to fund homosexual candidates despite Congressman’s objections

WASHINGTON, D.C., – As the National Republican Campaign Committee ( NRCC ) continues to tout two openly homosexual Congressional candidates as part of a “new generation” of Republicans who reflect the socially libertine values of voters under age 30, at least one Congressman is arguing that the GOP should not be funding candidates who oppose the party platform on social issues. Politico  reported  last week that Congressman Randy Forbes (R-Va.) has been privately urging GOP leaders to cut off campaign funding to Carl DeMaio and Richard Tisei , two openly gay candidates who are trying to unseat Democratic Congressmen in blue states – California and Massachusetts, respectively. Both DeMaio and Tisei break with the Republican platform by supporting same-sex “marriage” and legalized abortion-on-demand.  (As a state legislator, Tisei earned a 100 percent approval rating from NARAL and Planned Parenthood.) Rep. Forbes told Politico that while individual party lead...