My Journey Through, and Deliverance From, the Gay Life and Lie

We’re supposed to believe that gender is fluid and shifting, but sexual desires are inborn and fixed. My own story, and what I learned about myself through my conversion back to Christ , gives that the lie. So permit me to talk a bit about myself. I was a lonely child. I thought I was different, but I didn’t want anyone else to know. The harder I tried to hide these strange inner feelings, the more obvious they seemed to become. I presumed that every man in my life rejected me. There was something wrong. I didn’t fit in with the other boys and they sensed this peculiarity. Like a school of piranha, they instinctively honed in on the lop-sided straggler. At recess, these boys circled me and pecked me apart, piece by piece. I recoiled and found solace in fantasy and make-believe. I became obsessed with The Wizard of Oz . It let me dream of somewhere just “over the rainbow” where even the misfits, like a Cowardly Lion , could find acceptance, peace, and joy. For those bra...