Question: Is experiencing same-sex attraction itself sinful?

Question: Is experiencing same-sex attraction itself sinful ? Do Christians who experience same-sex attraction need to repent of their orientation, or only of homosexual action and lust ? First, this is not a question limited to issues of sexuality in general, or sexual acts and sexual orientation in particular. This question relates to the larger theological question of temptation and behavior. Every child growing into maturity recognizes the distinction between the temptation and the act. Every criminal law system also understands the difference between the temptation and the act. Rather than imprisoning people for every criminal temptation, the law distinguishes between the temptation of a criminal act and the performance of a criminal act. Every parent understands that same distinction when raising children and when they look in the mirror. Therefore, Christians must distinguish between temptation and the performance of sin. Still, there is indeed some...