Gay man sexually assaulted woman in a nightclub toilet- said it was OK because 'he was gay'

This article clearly portrays the total lack of morals held by many in the homosexual community. A woman has recalled the night a gay man grabbed her vagina in a nightclub and said his sexuality did not excuse the assault. Sydney journalist Shannon Power said a total stranger put his hand up her skirt in a club on the LGBT strip at Oxford Street in inner-Sydney. Ms Power said she was compelled to write about the experience for Star Observer after realising it was not an isolated incident, with men often using the defence: 'It's OK babe, I'm gay. ' But she has said it's no excuse. She had gone looking for a colleague at a Christmas party last year after he ran off sick in the gay club, when she ended up in a set of restrooms. 'In the restrooms were three guys, one was looking in the mirror, one was in the cubicle and the third upon my entrance started talking to me,' Ms Power wrote. 'I asked if he had seen my colleague – he had not – but then he ...