Playing Your Part in the Homosexual Culture Wars

It seems that in the culture wars in general, and the homosexuality debates in particular, we are easily being out-spent, out-gunned, out-maneuvered, and out-manned. This is true in many respects. The other side is awash with funding – often taxpayer funding – and they basically control all the major institutions of power and influence. Thus the mainstream media overwhelmingly is populated by those from the secular left, and seeking to get a countervailing point of view in there is quite difficult indeed. In fact it is basically impossible in many media outlets – “our” ABC being one prime example. Much of the academy is also dominated by the left, and conservative Christians are a very rare breed there. So too in so many other crucial public arenas. All of this, in part, is why the alternative media arose: to try to get a fair hearing in the public square. But when it comes to man-power, we need to qualify things a bit here. The radical left only accounts for a very sma...