
Showing posts with the label Peter Truong

Blind pro-homosexual mindset

The ABC is reporting That two homosexual men Truong and Newton are being charged with paedophile charges. The story is below from ABC online . Earlier this year North Queensland  ABC reporter Ginger Gorman, happily interviewed Peter Truong and Mark Newton about their struggle to become parents. They had a dopted an overseas boy and everything was lovely and normal, according to the reporter. The article was positive and was promoting LGBT needs, and how the community should be more open and accepting to homosexuals and the struggles they face in having families.  Since the revelation that these two homosexual men were sexually abusing, Gorman was shocked. Her ABC mindset even cultural media, music mindset prevented her from seeing evil. But this is secular morals that say homosexual is good, but paedopliia is wrong, whereas scripture condemns both.  The  reporter came with a mindset that reflects the problems with our culture and in particular perhap...